sleeper n. 1.睡眠者;懒人;死人。 2.有(卧)铺(设备的)飞机;【铁路】〔美国〕卧车,卧铺;〔英国〕枕木;(可翻过来作床铺用的)可卧座位。 3.冬眠动物。 4.【建筑】小阁栅;【造船】机座垫。 5.〔美国〕长期不受人注意而一举受人瞩目的人或物。 6.〔常 pl.〕小儿睡衣裤。 7.在耳上作了记号而未打烙印的小牛。 a good sleeper 睡眠好的人。 a heavy sleeper 不易惊醒[睡眠酣畅]的人。 a light sleeper 易惊醒[睡眠不酣]的人。
The nurse was out, and we two sleepers were alone . 保姆出去了,只剩下我们两个瞌睡虫。
Many sleepers were fixed on a railway 一条铁路上有许多固定了的枕木。
Sony , sleepers are all sold out . we have only soft seats left 对不起,卧铺票已经买完了,只有软座了。
The carriage stopped ; and the sleeper being roused , was lifted to the ground by his uncle 马车停了下来,睡着的人被唤醒了,被他舅舅抱出车外。
Child street sleepers were rare and there were no indications that families were sleeping on the street 儿童露宿街头的情况极为罕见,亦没有?象显示有家庭露宿街头;
Many street sleepers were reluctant to receive help . despite this , social workers would continue to use different approaches to try to motivate them to leave from streets 尽管很多露宿者都不愿意接受援助,社工仍会继续竭尽所能,利用各种方法鼓励他们不要露宿;
The sleepers were all aroused : ejaculations , terrified murmurs sounded in every room ; door after door unclosed ; one looked out and another looked out ; the gallery filled 所有熟睡的人都被惊醒了,每个房间都响起了喊叫声和恐俱的喃喃声。门一扇扇打开了,人一个个探出头来。
There was no existing legislation that could effect compulsory removal of street sleepers unless the street sleepers were considered threatening public safety or their own healthsafety 除非认为露宿者对公众安全或他们本身的健康?安全构成危险,否则现行法例并无规定可强行移走露宿者;
Take the no . 417 beijing west station to huaihua air - conditioned train . it leaves at 9 : 40 and arrives at cili at 14 : 30 the next day . the price for a hard seat is 160 yuan us 20 , and the price for a hard sleeper is 320 yuan us 40 :坐417次北京西站-怀化空调火车,该次列车9 : 40出发于次日14 : 30分到达慈利,硬坐票价为160元,硬卧票价为320元。